Sunset over Trent River

Officers & Directors

The Community Foundation of Campbellford/Seymour and Northumberland benefits greatly from the knowledge, wisdom and energy provided by the Board of Directors and all Committee members.

Currently Seeking new Board Members and Volunteers

The following community-minded individuals assist in the successful progression of this Community Foundation:

Board of Directors

Marg Graham - President
Carolyn Anderson - Vice President
Mitchell MacLean - Secretary/Treasurer
Kathy Dafoe
Ed Hischer
Stewart Richardson
Carrie Cleverdon 

Mayor Bob Crate - Municipal Liaison

Past President - Amy-Jo Doherty

Committee Volunteers

Environmental Stewards - Kathy Chamberlain, Beverly Meyers, Catherine Jefferson
Finance Committee - Russ Christianson, Patrick Muldoon
Grants Committee - Jennifer Hardy-Parr, Ed Hischer, Art Chamberlain
Communications Task Force - Art Chamberlain