For 2024 we approved a total of $143,544.62 for 18 grant projects, supporting important initiatives such as a children's art project in the Campbellford Branch Library, a new playground structure at Kent Public School, a new piece of fitness equipment for the Campbellford and District Curling and Racquet Club, a Fireside Kitchen and Bakeshop at Campbellford District High School, and the central hub which will operate the Trent Hills Sports Wall of Honour kiosks that will be located in the three Trent Hills recreation centres. We also funded a pollinator garden at Westben, called The Selfish Giant's Garden, and five summer jobs for local students at local charities. Since 2003 we have distributed over $4.8 million to organizations in our community, and the diversity of our investment over the years is truly astonishing!
As your Community Foundation, we pool the charitable gifts we receive into permanent, income-earning endowments, which are then held in trust for the benefit of the community. While the capital is not touched, grants are made from the earnings of these funds to seed, nurture and support community initiatives.
The Community Foundation manages these funding streams for the community:
The Campbellford/Seymour Community Fund is the main fund used to fund projects that benefit the residents of Campbellford/Seymour through a grant application process.
The Campbellford/Seymour Municipal Fund is used for projects determined by The Municipality of Trent Hills.
The Northumberland Arts & Crafts - Jan & Evert Scheidt Fund is used to fund Arts & Culture projects that benefit the residents of Campbellford/Seymour through a grant application process.
The Environmental Fund is used to fund environmental projets that benefit the residents of Campbellford/Seymour through an application process.
The Ontario Endowment for Children & Youth in Recreation Fund is used to fund recreation projects and programs for children and youth in Campbellford/Seymour.
The Joseph Rudolf Marth Memorial Scholarship Fund and the Harold (Hank) Leith Willis Memorial Scholarship Fund are used to provide awards to graduating students from Campbellford District High School.
The Cyril, Anne and Bernard Murphy Scholarship Fund is used to provide awards to graduating students from the two Cobourg high schools.
The Northumberland Land Trust Endowment Fund is an agency fund established by the Northumberland Land Trust to provide a permanent source of income for the organization.
The Glover Family Fund is used to fund social service organizations in Trent Hills.
Once the newly created Northumberland County Fund has grown sufficiently through donor support, it will fund projects and programs that benefit the residents of Northumberland County through a grant application process.
The new CDHS 100th Reunion Fund will also require support from donors so that it can eventually fund organizations and initiatives that support Campbellford District High School.
In addition, we actively encourage the participation of other funding bodies through matching or challenge grants to further increase our impact in the community.