We are pleased to announce grant funding to the following organizations who are supporting local residents and families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in partnership with the Municipality of Trent Hills.
The Campbellford & District Community Mental Health Centre has seen a steep increase in food insecurity among individuals with serious mental illness and/or addiction since the beginning of the pandemic. The challenges of transportation to the grocery store and affordability are compounded by the rurality of the area. Additionally, vulnerable individuals without wifi access or unlimited phone calling plans, or a home phone, are unable to access equitable and available clinical support.
This grant will provide food boxes for mental health clients struggling at this time, grocery gift cards and frozen meals, as well as phone cards to allow telephone counseling and psychiatry consults for clients.
With the recent self-isolation measures that are currently in effect, to limit the spread of Covid-19, their adult day programs are not taking place. In an effort to ensure clients and caregivers are receiving the support they need during these unprecedented times, VON staff are delivering Care Packages to their 20 active client's homes, as well as to their 30 assisted living clients in their homes.
This grant will purchase grocery gift cards, assorted toiletries, assorted activity items such as word search books, and other grocery items to create care package for 50 clients and their caregivers.
Due to the pandemic, sanctuary events and public tours have been cancelled. They were a big source of funding for feed and bedding for over 70 rescues at the sanctuary. The majority of these animals have come from local residents, who, due to circumstances beyond their control, have found themselves looking for a new home for their beloved animals. Last year, public experience tours brought in over $6,000 in donations, which helped offset some of the cost of food and bedding.
This grant will cover some of the cost of hay, duck and chicken feed for 53 birds, feed for 3 pigs, grain for 8 horses, 2 goats and 5 sheep, plus shavings and straw. Animals are local residents as well!
Community Living Campbellford/Brighton (CLCB) supports adults with intellectual disabilities in many different capacities throughout our community. Since the start of the emergency response to the Covid-19 pandemic, CLCB has provided over 300 individual meals to approximately 20 residents that are supported by CLCB, in their own homes.
This grant will purchase updated kitchen items so that CLCB can be more efficient and effective in this delivery, as well as have the ability to buy in bulk. Kitchen items such as a chest freezer, microwaveable individual containers, a Food Saver vacuum sealing system, pots, pans and utensils, as well as bulk groceries.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a number of items and services needed that would enhance the health and well-being of the patients and staff at Campbellford Memorial Hospital. These are simple things that will go a long way to support the patients and staff at the present time, and well into the future. Throughout the pandemic the staff and patients at Campbellford Memorial Hospital have been isolated, both medically, physically and emotionally. Due to the shortage of personal protective equipment the staff have not ventured off-site during their lengthy shifts. They have stayed on the patient floor and in the emergency department. Also due to the cancellation of most visitors to the hospital, the in-patients at CMH have not had access to social interation with loved ones.
This grant will purchase some items to support staff while working, such as a small TV for the nurses break room, a couch for the men's locker room (rest area), and staff appreciation items (coffee pods, restaurant cards), as well as items such as an iPad, bluetooth speakers, and craft items to enhance patient communication with family and friends and provide additional recreational opportunities.
The Rotary Club of Campbellford reached out to the Trent Hills Chamber of Commerce to inquire if any business or organization had expressed a need for PPE Face Shields. They had received an alarming 200 requests and anticipate more requests in the future.
This grant will be used to purchase polycarbonate re-useable protective face shields. The protective equipment will be distributed to local long-term care homes, pharmacies, small businesses, grocery stores, owners of service industries such as hair stylists, massage therapists, etc., as well as to those acting as caregivers to loved ones with Covid-19. Those interested can make a request to the Rotary Club of Campbellford - while supplies last.
Community Care Northumberland continues to provide transportation for residents in Trent Hills for essential medical drives (dialysis, chemotherapy) using their paid drivers. They are currently subsidizing the clients as many used volunteer drivers, and they are no longer driving because of the pandemic.
This grant funding will be used to subsidize 41 trips per week for 17 clients in Trent Hills.
Due to the pandemic, the Co-op's Board of Directors chose to close the theatre, to protect the employees and community members, two days before being mandated to close by the Ontario Government. With the theatre closed, the social needs fulfilled by the theatre have ended, along with ticket revenue. With the uncertainly of a re-opening date and the probability of an extended period required to rebuild the audiences comfort of attending movies and other events at the theatre, the grant funding will be used to create a marketing and communications plan for after the pandemic and ensure they follow the best public-health practices.
Seat and aisle numbers will also be purchased to allow the theatre to be fully capable to sell reserved tickets on line, as part of their new e-commerce website system.
As there isn't a Community Garden on the west side of the waterway in Campbellford, the IncrEdible Trent Hills committee plan to install one on Municipal property, to allow residents access to fresh vegetables and herbs. The committee will work with the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit to ensure that guidelines for community gardens are followed. They also plan to produce a series of short webinars with local growing experts and links to other local resources to post on their website and on social media throughout the growing season.
This grant funding will be used to purchase lumber, manure, soil, seeds and seedlings.
Due to COVID-19 Westben became unable to gather the communities physically. This created the need to develop digital outreach programs. "Sunshine Ahead" is an online collection of programs which soothe, engage and connect our community in new ways. To maximize impact and accessibility, this program is offered free for our community.
This grant funding will be used to hire a local videographer to record and edit these programs, and to upgrade the internet services in order to share these high quality recordings.
The graduates this year will miss out on their opportunity to celebrate together in the traditional format. Staff from St. Mary Catholic Elementary School are working with the public schools in Trent Hills and Campbellford District High School to recognize the Grade 8 and Grade 12 graduates for their achievements and to let them know that the community is behind them.
This grant will be used to create a sign for each graduate that they can then display on their lawn to recognize their achievement. For the CDHS Grade 12 graduates, all of the signs will be placed together on the football field and a "Class of 2020" photo will be taken prior to the graduates picking them up.
Congratulations to all the 2020 Graduates!