Community Kindness Grants
An innovative opportunity for students in Campbellford to learn about philanthropy by implementing a kindness project that connects them to the community.
Philanthropy - When translated, it means Love of Humanity.
Community Kindness Grant brochure - pdf
Kindness Project Flow Chart for Teachers - pdf
The purpose of this grant program is to:
- Inspire students to use their hearts and minds to address a community need
- Teach them that we all have something to give - time, talent or treasure - toward building community
- Cultivate community in the classroom and beyond by engagin students through hands-on experience
- Strengthen students sense of purpose and belonging, foster and environment of caring and respect, and inspire student engagement and contribution
- Establish a culture of kindness to build a caring community.
How it works:
- $1,000 in grant funding is available to each school in Campbellford each school year for community kindness projects.
- Each teacher in a school is eligible to apply for their classroom or for a school group for supplies related to their kindness project. (i.e. books, craft materials, travel)
- A community kindness project can be undertaken any time during the school year but must be completed by the end of the school year.
Many teachers already have an annual project that they do in the community with their class that will meet the guidelines of this grant. The current project can be expanded on by applying for a community kindness grant, or a new project can be initiated.
How to pick a project:
- Discuss Philanthropy with your students.
- Explore with them how acts of kindness can impact the whole community.
- Ask about their interests and activities - What they love to do, what they are passionate about, what issues they care about.
- Get to know your community. What are the community needs?
- Align a project with a national calendar event (Earth Day, Thanksgiving, Grandparents Day, Disabilities Awareness Month, etc.).
- Align a project with an issue (littering, clean water, bullying, poverty, literacy, animal welfare etc.).
- What can your students give - Time, Talent or Treasure?
- Time - Volunteer for a local charity or community organization, pick up litter, visit seniors, etc.
- Talent - Bake, Start a campaign and engage the community, preform, etc.
- Treasure - Collect toys, books, clothing, food, pet supplies for a local drive or victims of disaster.
How to Apply:
- Complete an Application Form:
- Teachers submit their completed application form to their Principal for project approval.
- The Principal forwards the application to the Community Foundation for final approval.
- The Community Foundation reviews application and advises the Principal if the project is approved or if it requires revisions to meet the program guidelines.
Grant funding for all projects, up to a maximum of $1,000, will be forwarded to the school at the end of the school year, once all reporting requirements are met.
Reporting Requirements: Due by June 30th of current school year.
- After completion of your project submit a Project Report to the Community Foundation office. This report should include a story about your project, pictures or video and feedback from the students about their experience.
Please share your kindness project with the school community through a presentation at an assembly, on a hallway bulletin board, and in your school newsletter. Remember to acknowledge the Community Foundation.